This blog is a place where I will translate interesting findings in biomedical and basic science research from scientific jargon to plain old English. The bottom line: You don't need a PhD to understand science!

Friday, August 24, 2012

MindSpec Looking For Part-time Science Writers

One of the companies where I do freelance work is currently seeking additional freelance science writers. It's a GREAT place. Check out the ad below:


MindSpec, a nonprofit organization that utilizes bioinformatics to accelerate research on neurodevelopmental disorders, is looking for two freelance science writers in the Washington D.C. area. Qualified candidates will have experience writing about complex scientific data for the general public.

Writers will be expected to deliver two short news summaries (less than 200 words) per week on specified topics in the field of autism research and legislation. Format guidelines for the summaries will be provided. In conjunction with each summary, writers will generate a simple quiz question and Twitter post.

Salary: Compensation will be at an hourly rate. Anticipate approximately four hours per week.

Please email a CV and two published writing samples (pdf or links) to

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